Object and Type
Object : FCApplication
Type : Method
Public Sub LogEx(logLevel as String, logMessage As String)
Alternate logging method that allows setting the log level. This method is similar to Logger.Log except that the log level is a string representation of the LogLevel enumeration (e.g "DEBUG", "INFO", "ERROR").
Parameter Name Required? Description
logLevel Yes A string representation of the LogLevel enumeration (e.g "DEBUG", "INFO", "ERROR").
logMessage Yes The message to be logged.
The following example logs a DEBUG message to the log file.
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic
fc_app.LogEx "DEBUG", "This is a test debug message"
The code in this example is written in JavaScript.
fc_app.LogEx("DEBUG", "This is a test debug message");
Here is an example of what the entry will look like in the log file:
2004-11-15 14:21:31,469 [DEBUG] This is a test debug message.
Note, the log output can be easily modified by changing your Logging Configuration